Kevin Partridge, PhD Candidate

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Who I am

Janet Helen Mary Waymark (née Corner)

I have come back to academe after a varied career that included over fifteen years in the print industry, the founding of my own company doing photo restoration and other graphics work, and various other jobs including auto mechanics, house renovations, management within a retail environment, and janitorial work.

My academic CV includes a bachelor of arts degree in modern African and Middle Eastern history completed in the 1980s and more recently completed post-baccaulaureate and Master of arts degrees in sociology. These were all completed at Simon Fraser University, near my home city of Vancouver, BC before I moved across the country to Ottawa, Ontario to pursue my PhD at Carleton University.

My personal interests include collecting old comics (my favorite era is the early 20th century and newspaper comics in particular), driving my 1969 Datsun 510 (still using carburetors), and extensive volunteer work within social justice and union organizations.
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